
The Taylors SCUBA O’ahu

Pretty awesome to see a father and son diving together. The Taylor men DID IT LIKE IT SHOULD BE DONE! That’s how we do it here at Honolulu Honu Divers. Lots of critters to see this morning. Yellowmargin moray, devil scorpionfish, whitetip reef shark, and a feeding spotted eagleray. Want to dive in spectacular Hawaiian […]

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The Andersons on the Sea Tiger

Newly transplanted Oregonians, the Andersons, came to dive. They wanted to know how you “DO IT LIKE IT SHOULD BE DONE! Honolulu Honu Divers showed them how. Along with the plethera of endemic fish known only to the waters of Hawai’i, they got to get upclose and personal with several honu(Hawai’ian Greensea Turtle), very large […]

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The impressive Navy Yard Oiler 257

Coming all the way from O-H….I-O! Even though he’s a OSU fan, it still sounds cool. Chuck Spicer came to O’ahu to dive, but mostly to DO IT LIKE IT SHOULD BE DONE! Not many opportunities to get what Honolulu Honu Divers offers there in Ohio. For example, fly by honu(Hawaiian greensea turtles), big yellowmargin […]

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The legendary Sea Tiger shipwreck

What can I say, Honolulu Honu Divers is the one divers keep coming back to. And for good reason. No where else can you DO IT LIKE IT SHOULD BE DONE! Scott knows. Hawaiian greensea turtles, lots of eels and plenty of endemic fish known only to the waters of Hawai’i. Want your very own […]

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SCUBA on the legendary Sea Tiger wreck

You’d figure living in Idaho you’d have the greatest diving in the world. Found out that wasn’t the case. Can’t DO IT LIKE IT SHOULD BE DONE! in Idaho like you can off O’ahu and with Honolulu Honu Divers. Sea Tiger and Kewalo Pipe didn’t disappoint. Whitetip reef shark, big yeallowmargin morays, a rarely seen […]

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SCUBA diving the shallows of O’ahu

You know the saying, “a family that dives together, will always ask who has the most air left.” It’s so awesome to me when families do SCUBA together. Good thing papa Scott, Carson and Piper called Honolulu Honu Divers. They were GUARANTEED not to have anyone else in their group. Nothing’s ever guaranteed when it […]

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SCUBA on the YO257?San Pedro

Mark Bell wanted to DO IT LIKE IT SHOULD BE DONE! with Honolulu Honu Divers, and that he did. The YO257 and San Pedro did not disappoint. Great visibility, lots of reef fish, eel and spectacular views of two of O’ahu’s most dived wrecks. And Mark had the pleasure of introducing himself to plenty of […]

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Eric Widell SCUBA diving O’ahu

Honolulu Honu Divers absolutely loves it when divers return to dive with the only SCUBA operation on the islands that guarantees divers their very own personal divemaster. Eric Widell came back for a third time to dive with HHD. The Sea Tiger and Horseshoe Reef were the sites. Visibility was pretty good. Eric had the […]

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Colin Davis Diving the Sea Tiger

What’s the difference between diving the waters off Oregon and diving the waters off the coast of O’ahu? You gotta ask Colin Davis. He’ll probably tell you the difference is probably 100′. He didn’t say it, but I’m pretty sure this was the best diving he’s done in his short career of diving so far. […]

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Elizabeth Lee diving three wrecks

Coming across the pond from Cali, it’s none other than the remarkable Elizabeth Lee. She chose Honolulu Honu Divers because HHD is the only operation on all the islands that guarantees you a personal divemaster without the extra charge. She picked a good day to go diving. Not only did she get a double wreck […]

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