Dolphins! Dolphins! Dolphins!

Dolphins! Dolphins! Dolphins!

WOW! What an awesome way to DO IT LIKE IT SHOULD BE DONE! All the way from the capital of Canada, Ottawa was starting to get cold. It was time for Harmony Mah to call Honolulu Honu Divers. Off to the Sea Tiger shipwreck where sharks were waiting for us. Whitetip reef sharks and a visit from a sandbar shark. Passing by was a spotted eagleray, then Harmony got to snuggle up close to a Hawaiian greensea turtle. Horseshoe Reef did not disappoint either. Even more turtles, a couple of free swimming eel, a very well camouflaged devil scorpionfish and two very big trevally. Harmony said she chose HHD because of the one on one service. Don’t have a dive buddy? No worries, I’ll be your buddy and personal dive guide, GUARANTEED everytime.